Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday the 13th: The Game - Best Jason

Beginner's guide: Jason

For a newbie Jason the most important thing is to choose a running Jason. That means part 2, 3, 4 or 5. If you don't know what to do and don't know how to shift, you will be in a lot of trouble as a walking Jason. 

Some Jason experts say that the best Jason for a beginner player is part 3. He is generally good all around, and doesn't have any big weaknesses. And you can put that purple NES-skin on him... and we also call him the stealthy Jason, his music is so damn silent that it's often a surprise that he is even nearby.


Part 2 has the most traps, so he has the best objective control. If you play as part 2 and don't use those traps for objectives, you should probably change to a better Jason. Part 2 has a bad shift.

Part 4 has the least amount of traps, only 3. So he has the worst objective control. He also has bad shift, and pro players say that he's the worst Jason to play as. But part 4 breaks doors fast, and can run. So in the right hands he can be a terrifying force. If you play as part 4 you need to focus on not letting counselors regain their stamina. Personally I hate playing against part 4 Jason the most. Or any running Jason, for that matter...



Part 5 (Roy Burns) has the biggest amount of knives. So maybe, if you don't know how to utilize those knives yet, maybe he's not the best choice for a newbie? Or maybe he's the best for practicing throwing knives?

I haven't played much as Jason because I hate it, and I'm not good as him. So now I just focus on being a helpless counselor.


All the Jasons are so damn ugly. I especially hate the neckless part 3, ugh. So when it comes to looks I chose to play as part 5, he looks the most human. But I hate having to break doors as Jason, I'm way too lazy to do that. So these days my choice is that pathetic part 4... if I played as Jason. Which I don't.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day from Jason Voorhees!

F13 Jason Voorhees Valentine's day card


I for one will be celebrating this Friday the 13th: The Game's last Valentine's day by playing it, hopefully for at least 5-6 hours. I bet it won't be as romantic as I'm hoping for though...

Maybe I'll see you at the Lake? Please don't run me over... And please don't hold hands with Jason, eww.


You think that it's not possible to celebrate Valentine's day and other occasions in a game, let alone in Friday? You may be right, but I have developed a stupid and pathetic system.

I'm trying to make most of it with the little resources we have, to make special days and holidays special in this game. I have been doing this for years.

On Valentine's day I play only with counselors who have pink clothes. Cop Kenny and Victoria, who is one of my favorite counserors. Because isn't pink the color of love and Valentine's day? Some might say that it's red, but I hate red.


In March is endometriosis awareness month, and it has been my tradition for years to play then only as counselors with yellow costumes. Personally I even hate yellow color, but it happens to be the color of endometriosis awareness. During March there's even a day to wear yellow for endometriosis. I don't own yellow clothes, so I'm settling for those on F13.

And then at Easter I'm gonna play only as the Easter bunny, ie. bunny Deb. I used to main her, but then I played as random counselors and realized how difficult it is to play as her. So now I only play as her at Easter. I think it's sacrilege to play as Deborah Kim using any other of her clothes than the bunny outfit...


bunny Deb


Likewise it should be against the law to play as Chad wearing any other clothes than the speedo...

This is AI's view of speedo Chad... 



While playing with AI image generators I have learned that AI has dirty mind. In one image a man had his hand inside another man's pants. I had NOT told AI to do that. I was like WTF, AI?

Happy Valentine's day! You can find creative ways to celebrate it. Even alone. And even in Friday the 13th: The Game, like I do!



You maybe guessed it by now, but some images in this blog post were made by AI.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Friday the 13th: The Game - PC gameplay

Friday the 13th: The Game on PC in 2024? Is there any playerbase left? Are there only hacked lobbies?

I decided to try F13 on PC for the first time ever. Some may argue that this was a crazy idea, but I wanted to experience the notorious hacked lobbies myself. After all, I had finally bought the game on Steam, because it was about to be delisted.


The first thing that happened to me was that I spawned to a match which had just 17 seconds left. Easy first achievement for first multiplayer match.

So yes, there are hacked lobbies. The server name suggested some East European involvement. As did some players in the lobby. I don't know if there even are normal lobbies anymore. You could try hosting your own lobby, but from what I hear nobody might join.

Two Jasons or more in a same match? Yes. A funny thing happened to me when I was grabbed by two Jasons at the same time.


Countless counselors in a same match? Yes. If you die you can leave the match, start searching for a new lobby and end up to the same match again. Like "hi Jason, I'm back, kill me again!"

Too many strange things going on in hacked lobbies for this simple soul to understand...

Lots of experience and x13 experience bonus. Not that it is needed anymore, with the last update to the game which gave everyone level 150 and the best perks.

Lots of loot. How many pocket knives are there in one match in hacked lobbies? I know on normal matches the answer is 3: 2 in cabins, 1 on a campsite or elsewhere outside, plus of course Tommy's knife.

And how many car keys in the same match? How many Tommy houses? I saw at least three.

At least on one occasion there was no Jason's music when he was right next to me, grabbing me and so on? No, the reason is not stalk. Jason not in rage near the end of the 20 minutes? Car is shown as if it has left when it's ready? What a missed opportunity.



Here's the full stream of my Friday the 13th the game pc gameplay. I played like shit, but the hacked lobbies were shit aswell. I also had problems with the controls, and sensitivity.

Ps. My Steam name "ladyripuli" means "lady diarrhea" in Finnish... maybe I should be ashamed?

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Friday the 13th: The Game not working?

The last time I was playing my all time favorite game, Friday the 13th, everything wasn't working as intended. This happened on Playstation 4.

I kept sending party invites, but despite of getting the invites my boyfriend wasn't able to join the party. The connection simply never happened. This of course isn't the first time this party problem happens with F13.

So my boyfriend's account couldn't connect to the party, and he couldn't even join any lobbies, because the quick play search was constanly in the state of "search cooldown". All he could do was to become the host himself. This kept happening despite of closing the game and even the console many times.


And what was even more worrisome, on my boyfriend's PSN account at one point the level went back to 0, and most of the counselors weren't available to play as. This was eerily reminiscent of the times when the hackers could reset any player's level. But the last update was supposed to fix this problem permanently, right?!

And on a third Playstation account the party invites from F13 didn't come through at all.

Some might think that all this could be caused by internet problems, but this was not the case. We were in the same room, with two different Playstations, and my account kept working fine. Except the game crashed twice in a row...

So I can't even trust the game working or the party invites working anymore. All this makes me panic because Friday the 13th: The Game is the love of my life, and I want it to keep working properly until the end of 2024, as promised.

If something was to happen to make the game not work, would they even fix it anymore? I don't think so.