Beginner's guide: Jason
For a newbie Jason the most important thing is to choose a running Jason. That means part 2, 3, 4 or 5. If you don't know what to do and don't know how to shift, you will be in a lot of trouble as a walking Jason.
Some Jason experts say that the best Jason for a beginner player is part 3. He is generally good all around, and doesn't have any big weaknesses. And you can put that purple NES-skin on him... and we also call him the stealthy Jason, his music is so damn silent that it's often a surprise that he is even nearby.
Part 2 has the most traps, so he has the best objective control. If you play as part 2 and don't use those traps for objectives, you should probably change to a better Jason. Part 2 has a bad shift.
Part 4 has the least amount of traps, only 3. So he has the worst objective control. He also has bad shift, and pro players say that he's the worst Jason to play as. But part 4 breaks doors fast, and can run. So in the right hands he can be a terrifying force. If you play as part 4 you need to focus on not letting counselors regain their stamina. Personally I hate playing against part 4 Jason the most. Or any running Jason, for that matter...
Part 5 (Roy Burns) has the biggest amount of knives. So maybe, if you don't know how to utilize those knives yet, maybe he's not the best choice for a newbie? Or maybe he's the best for practicing throwing knives?
I haven't played much as Jason because I hate it, and I'm not good as him. So now I just focus on being a helpless counselor.
All the Jasons are so damn ugly. I especially hate the neckless part 3, ugh. So when it comes to looks I chose to play as part 5, he looks the most human. But I hate having to break doors as Jason, I'm way too lazy to do that. So these days my choice is that pathetic part 4... if I played as Jason. Which I don't.
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