Sunday, February 4, 2024

Friday the 13th: The Game not working?

The last time I was playing my all time favorite game, Friday the 13th, everything wasn't working as intended. This happened on Playstation 4.

I kept sending party invites, but despite of getting the invites my boyfriend wasn't able to join the party. The connection simply never happened. This of course isn't the first time this party problem happens with F13.

So my boyfriend's account couldn't connect to the party, and he couldn't even join any lobbies, because the quick play search was constanly in the state of "search cooldown". All he could do was to become the host himself. This kept happening despite of closing the game and even the console many times.


And what was even more worrisome, on my boyfriend's PSN account at one point the level went back to 0, and most of the counselors weren't available to play as. This was eerily reminiscent of the times when the hackers could reset any player's level. But the last update was supposed to fix this problem permanently, right?!

And on a third Playstation account the party invites from F13 didn't come through at all.

Some might think that all this could be caused by internet problems, but this was not the case. We were in the same room, with two different Playstations, and my account kept working fine. Except the game crashed twice in a row...

So I can't even trust the game working or the party invites working anymore. All this makes me panic because Friday the 13th: The Game is the love of my life, and I want it to keep working properly until the end of 2024, as promised.

If something was to happen to make the game not work, would they even fix it anymore? I don't think so.


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