Thursday, August 29, 2024

Petition: Preserve the Online Servers for Friday The 13th Game Beyond December 31, 2024

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As you hopefully know by now, Friday the 13th: The Game is coming to an end on December 31, 2024. After that day it's not possible to play the game at all. The servers which host your player data, such as your level and perks and unlocked counselors and Jasons, will be closed.

But there is yet another petition to keep the game alive. This seems to be the newest one, it was started on August 20, 2024. These petitions have never received many signatures, and it's extremely unlikely if outright impossible that Illfonic or Gun Media or Black Tower Studios would lend an ear.


Petition on 

Preserve the Online Servers for Friday The 13th Game Beyond December 31, 2024


I have been a fan of the Friday The 13th Game since day one and I know I am not alone. There are countless others who have joined since the game's launch and still cherish every moment spent playing it. We are a diverse community from different gaming platforms, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, who yet find unity in our shared fascination for this game. No day goes by without us finding full lobbies on consoles, proof of the unwavering popularity of this game.

Now, we face a looming impediment. The plan is to shut down the game’s servers after December 31, 2024. This move threatens the very core of what makes this game special - the ability to connect and play with others. We would like for the Friday The 13th The Game's servers to stay open past December 31,2024.

This is not a mere cry of a few. As of 2020, this game had sold more than 2 million copies across all platforms. These statistics illustrate the profound impact this game has and continues to make globally (Source: Gamasutra).

We grasp the reality that all games have a life cycle. However, we believe Friday The 13th Game has established an enduring legacy that still covers a significant player base worldwide. The discontinuation of the servers will not just impact the game; it will disappoint millions of players who still dearly treasure it.

Therefore, we humbly appeal to the game's developers and publishers. Please, if possible, extend the life of the servers beyond December 31, 2024. Help us preserve this game that has brought us countless hours of joy and camaraderie. Please allow future generations of gamers to experience the thrill of Friday The 13th. To everyone reading this, your signatures can make a sea-change. Please sign this petition.




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