Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How I got addicted to Friday the 13th: The Game

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In October 2018 Friday the 13th: The Game was a monthly game on Playstation Plus, and I instantly got addicted to it. Here are my first impressions about the game back then.

I got totally hooked on PS Plus' October's game of the month Friday the 13th: The Game, which is based on the movie series of the same name. The game is being played online with other people so that one player is the killer Jason and others are his victims who try to escape.


At first I was only pissed at the game because 90% of the time I was just forced to stare at the starting screen, because there were no sessions to be found. Then I learned that if you can't find a session in two minutes, stop the search and try again.


For a month I didn't do much else than play Friday the 13th. And when I didn't play it I watched its streams. Right after the start I stopped playing as Jason. First of all I'm a terrible Jason. And second of all it's really stressful to play as Jason. In my last Jason match I felt like being bullied back in school when the counselors gangbanged me. Thanks, I have had enough. Playing as the victim is more suitable for me. I don't like the game's excessive violence and its totally unnecessary gore, there are like dozens of terrible ways to kill. But I guess that's how it is in the Friday the 13th movies. I have only seen one of the F13 movies, at Finnish class at school when I was 14. I totally don't remember why it was being watched there. 


There are three different ways to survive in the game. First of all the match lasts for 20 minutes, if Jason won't be able to kill you in that time you have "won". You can also try to call the cops, but that requires many things. At first you have to find the phone box fuse, then the cabin which has the phone box. It takes 5 minutes for the police to arrive and then you have to get to them alive. The third way to escape is by car or by boat, but they require parts and gas, and the car also needs keys.


Just hanging around in a bathroom with my two (still surviving) friends. At one point I had to play as Buggzy so I could remove Jason's mask for a trophy. But other than that my first main counselor was AJ at first, then Adam and finally Vanessa. By the way here's a game I will definitely never get the platinum trophy, that is for sure. I'm not interested to play as Jason for a thousand matches. Nor to kill a lot of the other players. (how wrong I was)


This fun lasted for a month but finally my health couldn't take it anymore. First my neck got so painful that for a few nights I couldn't even sleep without a painkiller. Then the pain spread to my should which had already earlier had symptoms. But luckily (?) my PS plus run out. I'm not gonna renew it right now because maybe I should do something else with my life than just play this game? Some people dare to say that game trophies are not real life achievements. And in this game those trophies take so much work and time.

My early gameplay video happens to have all four ways to survive: boat, police, time, car. 


Ps. Jason, I’m a counselor. You can trust me. South Park's Halloween-episode in 2018 had a fun F13-reference.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Drunk Speedo Chad's last birthday

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It's my birthday, and I cry if I want to!



The time has come. 

Today is my birthday. It's also my last birthday in this life when I can play my all time favorite game, Friday the 13th: The Game.



In honor of this very special occasion I'm gonna stream F13 all day long on Twitch. That means on the afternoon and evening European time. Unless I chicken out and stream to Youtube instead.

I'm also gonna drink sparkling wine all day long. And I'm only gonna play as speedo Chad. Hence the title of this post.


Besides wine the stream will feature lots of deaths, stupid mistakes and above all rage quits (by me)! And the forecast is positive for cheaters and teamers! But be forewarned, I do not have a mic. So if you are looking for a real stream, look elsewhere.

But I don't think I'm gonna cry. Not yet. If the game (and me) is still alive on this year's New year's eve... then I'm gonna cry my eyes out. And probably also vomit, out of terror of losing this game forever.

The tragedy of Friday the 13th: The Game


More marvellous AI images of Jason Vorhees' birthday party after the cut