Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Friday the 13th: The Game's last Halloween

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Halloween month is here, and so is the last chance to play Friday the 13th: The Game during it. So it's time to put those Halloween costumes on your counselors, and go to the lake to die. And that's supposed to be fun?

But Chad of course has to freeze in his speedo. It would be a sacrilege to have Chad wear something else than the speedo. Just like it would be a sacrilege to have Deb wear something else than the bunny outfit. 



I'm forever gonna be bitter that we never got Victoria's Halloween outfit. 



Halloween costume ideas


I haven't been able to find a real life version of Deb's bunny costume. They are all either too tight-fitting or too heavily built. I want something from in between.

Earlier this year I saw a very nice skeleton dress for sale. It looked just like AJ's skeleton costume, just in dress form, which I would prefer. 


But of course this Halloween, if I had money and if I were going to a Halloween party, my choice of costume would be my favorite game character of all time, Claire Redfield. This particular costume happens to be real nice, affordable and according to the reviews seems to be of good quality.


Jason Voorhees costumes


For some reason some people want to dress up as serial killers for Halloween, I don't understand why. How could anyone be a "fan" of a killer?

Lately I have also run into too many F13 players who only play as Jason. Who leave the match when they are not chosen to be Jason. This is the worst when that said player happens to be the host. If you only want to play as Jason never be the host.

How to avoid becoming the host? Don't let the search go beyond one minute. The longer the search for sessions goes on, the more likely you are to become the host.

The true horror of Halloween: Lachappa


This (last) Halloween I'm gonna play only as Lachappa (again). There's nothing more scary than playing as the slowest and most staminaless counselor. Lachappa's Andre the Giant costume is the best, and his wiggly ass always manages to make me smile.

So for the next three months I'm gonna play Friday the 13th: The Game every day, and as much as I can. I don't know how much Friday my body will be able to tolerate, playing it is so stressful for me. It also makes me angry because too many other players are so stupid. Multiplayer games simply are not for me.

But what comes after Friday dies? Nothing.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The death of Friday the 13th: The Game

I get commissions for purchases made through the links in this post, at no cost to you.


I've written about the end of Friday the 13th: The Game before, but I can't stop crying about it. There are two Friday the 13ths left this year, the first one today, and with those the tale of this game will come to an end.



Is Friday the 13th: The game getting shut down?


Yes. Every day the end is getting nearer. The end of Friday the 13th: The Game. After December 31 2024 the game won't be playable anymore. Never again.

Yes, I have heard some things about possible private servers on PC in the future. But Friday the 13th: The Game Resurrected only lived for a second, before it was taken down for legal reasons.

I wish I could focus on the good memories, but always the assholes come to mind first. The teamers, the cheaters and so on. I have always hated people, but online multiplayer games have made me hate people even more. I have lost all faith in humanity. So thank you, assholes!



Friday the 13th game: Can you still play?

Yes, you can. But only till the end of year 2024.

While I still can, I have promised myself to play this game as much as I can. Thankfully there still are lot of active players, at least on PS4/PS5. On PC the game has been a mess for years.

I'm gonna play it every day, or try to. At least starting from the beginning of October. The Halloween month. Should I celebrate Halloween by playing only as Lachappa, again? To experience the true horror of Halloween.

Some counselors are my favorites, while some certainly aren't. But still I want to play as them all before it all ends.  


Playing this game always makes me stressed and angry, and it's terrible for my health. So it makes absolutely no sense why I even want to play it. But addictions can rarely be explained.

And just the thought of New year's eve makes me wanna vomit. If I'm still alive then... and if the game is still alive then... how will I be able to play the until the literal end, while crying and throwing up? I want to play it all through the night if the game closes in the morning of January 1st my time. But the game was taken from sale earlier than they promised, so when will the actual closing time be? Even before than New year's eve? And I'm afraid that my last match in this game is gonna be a horrible one. Stupid death, teamers and cheaters all combined? I want my last match to be a survival. That's what I always hope for when I play this game.



This game means too much to me, especially since Covid. Instead of going to bars on the weekends I stayed home to play Friday 13th. And I still do. After this game ends I might have to go outside again and face the real world. Oh the horror, oh the pain.