Now, with just a month to go, it's probably the best time to rant about this.
With the imminent end in sight I started to play my favorite game Friday the 13th: The Game daily. And at some point I started to make ragequits in almost every match. Because of this I obviously can't play as host anymore. But why didn't I think of this tactic years ago? When I ragequit I don't have to suffer from the idiocy of the other players.
It seems to me that nearly 100% of the time I ragequit because of the stupidity of the other counselors. I rarely ragequit because of Jason. Most of the time the other counselors are a bigger threat to themselves than Jason.
Most of the time the counselors do their absolute best to make sure that no one can survive. That no one can escape.
And I'm not talking about the cheaters, exploiters or other assholes, like those who like to run over other counselors with the car for "fun".
Those who keep the phone fuse hostage. If finding the phone house is not your number one priority, always DROP THE FUSE. If the cops aren't called, most likely all the counselors will die. Including you! Don't be that idiot who dooms us all do death. Don't be a dick. Don't be like Chad!
Those who bring Jason to objectives. This has happened a million times: I'm the only one in the match doing anything, and wherever I go trying to do objectives some counselor comes there, followed by Jason. They are sabotaging themselves by sabotaging the only person who is working for their survival.
When a car is on the move, but Jason stops it. It would be a perfect time to try to do something else. IT'S ALWAYS MOST DIFFICULT FOR JASON IF MULTIPLE THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT ONCE. But no, Buggzy takes the other car's keys, and runs to the running car, fighting for it with the rest of the idiots. That's of course where also the fuse is, in the pocket of one of the idiots. So even if I find the missing part for the other car a bit later, it's useless. Can't get the keys, can't get the fuse. And those idiots fighting for the car are most likely to die, one by one. It's the absolute BEST if ALL the counselors are fighting for the two-seater. You all are NOT going to fit in, so why not try to do something else while there's a chance? But no, idiots will be idiots.
And how many times have one or even two cars been fully repaired at the start of the match, but then no one never starts them. Where are the keys? Maybe they both are in the pocket of an idiot, probably along with the fuse. Maybe he likes to scratch his ass with them. I mean, what else could they be used for?
Yet another example of idiots, just from today: I rushed to find gas for the boat, but Vanessa got there first. At first, Vanessa headed towards the cabin where the propeller might be. Well, it turned out that someone had already found it. Next, this idiotic duo headed off with their two boat parts to the wrong direction, away from the boat. Well, the idiots got to keep their loot and their match when I ragequit. Why should I have to suffer from the idiocy of other players?!
And what is the most fun of them all? When all the needed items (fuse, keys, car part) have been brought to the same place. And this is of course the place where ALL the counselors are, and therefore also Jason is. Making it highly risky, if impossible trying to sneak in for parts. And probably some idiot gets the keys and fuse before someone who would actually do something with them.
So, these days, when idiots happen, I just ragequit. They don't deserve my effort trying to save them.
Yes, I hate people. And playing multiplayer games has made me hate people even more. Therefore it doesn't make any sense why I love Friday the 13th: The Game so much. It has brought me frustration, stress, anger and hatred for mankind.
Soon it's time to say goodbye. Try to enjoy your last month at the lake. I'm there every day, ragequitting.