Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Best counselor perks in Friday the 13th: The Game

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With the last update to Friday the 13th: The Game all the players were given the best perks available, the legendary ones. At the same time only the most popular perks remained in the game, the least used ones were removed altogether, and it is impossible to use them anymore.

So what are the best counselor perks to use in Friday the 13th: The Game? It depends on your playing style, and which counselor you use.

But there are some perks that are considered essential for survival.


Check for Camp Crystal Lake shirts here

The most commonly used perk is Thick Skinned. When you use it it takes more hits from Jason for you to go into limping mode. You can also step into a trap and not limp after it. So if you are serious about surviving in F13, then thick skin perk is a must.



Second commonly used perk by pro players is Medic. It gives you two uses of each med spray, and also increases healing a bit.

Another rather similar perk is Hypochondriac. If you use it you start the match with a healing spray in your inventory. The legendary bonus of this perks makes the cops arrive a bit faster, if the cop call is made by a counselor who uses this perk. 


One popular perk used is Marathon. Since stamina is the most important thing in the game, better stamina makes it easier to survive. Another perk for stamina generation is Restful, but it's a common claim that in high fear it does not work, so Marathon is a better choice.

Nerves of Steel is also used by pro players. If you use it you never lose your minimap with fear, and it's easier to dodge Jason's shift grabs.



If you want to troll Jason, you might want to use the perk Sucker Punch. It increases the chance of Jason being stunned when hit by a weapon. But once Jason hits rage mode, this perk is absolutely useless.

Another common perk used by trolls is Swift Attacker. It makes your swing with a weapon a little faster.



If you are new to the game you might want to use Preparedness, which makes you start with the large map, so it's easier to navigate. Yes, you do find a map in most matches, but not all. Yes, there are map stands on every map, but if you don't know where they are or you are on the other side of the map on a large map... It especially sucks if you don't have the map when the police arrive. Then you don't know on which exit the police are.

If you are really unselfish and altruistic by nature, then you might wanna use the perk My Dad Is A Cop. It reduces the time for the cops to arrive. It's especially useful on repair counselors, such as Deborah Kim. I'm always in awe of counselors who use this perk, instead of perks more important for their own survival.



See you at the lake! Remember to wear your speedo, it's hot out there!


Sunday, May 5, 2024

How to host Friday the 13th game in 2024

I get commissions for purchases made through the links in this post, at no cost to you.

Since the dedicated servers of Friday the 13th: The Game were closed, the game has been played on P2P matchmaking.
The most annoying thing about this is the fact that the match and the lobby ends when the host leaves. 
On PC you can choose to host a lobby of your own, but sadly there is no such option on consoles. But there are a couple of tricks you can use to become host!

Here's a guide on how to host a game in Friday the 13th on PS4/PS5:

Method 1. 
Join a friend's party, and leave the party. Start searching for sessions, and you will be made host. 100%.
Method 2. 
Create a party. Then press Quick Play to start searching for lobbies. Press triangle to bring up the screen to invite someone to the party. Keep this screen on for at least two minutes. While the invite screen is on you won't be put into lobbies. After at least two minutes cancel the screen. It is said that this method doesn't work 100% on PS5, but it works for me often enough, so I always use it.


While playing Friday the 13th: The Game, I always prefer being the host. There are a couple of reasons for it.

First of all everything is easier in the game when there's no delay because of (bad) ping, especially driving the car.

Then there's of course the above-mentioned fact how annoying it is when the host quits in the middle of the match. 



Yes, hosts shouldn't quit. Especially not when they are killed. If you are going to quit when you are killed, don't be the host.

Yet I often end the match myself when I'm the host. So what is my excuse for these double standards?

I don't feel any guilt when I end the lobby for these reasons mentioned below. On the contrary, I'm on the right side of history.


The most common reasons I ragequit as host in Friday the 13th: The Game


No cheaters allowed

If I see you animation cancelling as Jason, I'm outta there. If as a counselor you go to a spot where Jason can't kill you, I will end the lobby. These are just a couple of examples of cheating, but you get the idea.


No teamers allowed

If there are counselors who help Jason for example by opening doors for him, blocking windows and doorways from other counselors and so on; if Jason clearly has no interest of killing some of the counselors, and instead runs together hand in hand with them, I will end their partying. If Jason has no interest of killing some counselor, I have no interest spectating that frolicking.


No assholes allowed

If there's an asshole trying to run others - especially me! - over with the car, the lobby will be history. If you are so "bored" with this game that you need to harm fellow counselors, go play some other game. I hear Dead by Daylight is nice this time of the year. And Killer Klowns will be released soon.


If you start the car and leave without picking me up when I'm waiting by the car while Jason is NOT around, I will ragequit. Especially if I was the one who repaired the car. 


Some recent prime examples of assholes:

Tommy lures me to the shack with him. When Jason traps us inside the shack, Tommy dies of tummy ache (leaves the match). Ouch. So forgive me Tommy, but next time the answer will be no, unless killing Jason is the only option left.

Another Tommy refuses to repair the car, even though both parts are by the car, there are no traps and Jason is not around. Well now this Tommy is on my LIST OF ASSHOLES.


Don't keep the fuse hostage

Then there's my pet peeve, which I have also mentioned before. The thing I hate more in this game than the cheaters and teamers combined.

The phone box fuse. The most important item in the game. If the fuse has been dropped by the phone box, and some idiot takes the fuse, and runs away with it, I will ragequit. 100%.

I have a recent example of this: A Chad had found the fuse, and had gone hiding under the bed with it. After he was killed (seek and destroyed) the fuse was just hanging over the bed, and couldn't be reached/taken. I ragequit immediately. 



If you are the last person alive, don't waste everyone's time by hiding. If you do so, I will either tell Jason where you are, or end the match. Does this make me the asshole? Probably.

So as you can see, if the host quits, it's not always because they have been killed. And it is not always because of Jason. It could very well be because of some asshole counselor.

Don't be that asshole.